The Place To Buy And Sell Commercial Wedding Equipment
Roman Theme Prop Package - Wiltshire
Hand painted Colosseum design.Hand painted Roman structure design.
All painting done by acclaimed UK portrait artist Nicholas J Smith.
Rock n Roll Theme Prop Package - Wiltshire
1950's diner Sign, character Design on thick MDFHand painted back drops
Pirates Theme Prop Package - Wiltshire
1x hand painted pirate ship at sea backdrop.6x 8ft high 2D hand painted 'Pirates of the Caribbean' characters on thick MDF.
All painting done by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith.
Oriental Theme Props Package - Wiltshire
2 x 3m by 3m vinyl printed Oriental Dragon backdrops1 x 6m by 3m fire retardant canvas, hand paint Great Wall of China Scene Backdrop
2 x approx 8ft long by 3ft high hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Fan designs
2 x approx 8ft high by 3ft wide hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Writing designs
2 x approx 8ft high by 3ft wide hand painted on to thick MDF Oriental Dragon designs
All hand paintings done by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith
All props in great condition and ready to use
Medieval Theme Prop Package - Wiltshire
2 x 3m by 3m fire retardent canva, hand painted stone castle interior backdrops7 x approx. 8ft high 2D hand painted (onto thick MDF) Medieval character designs, Princess, 2 x black knights, 1 x white knight, 1 x peasant male, 1 x peasant female, 1 x Court Jester, plus 1 x 8ft high 2D hand painted Medieval Stocks design
All painting by acclaimed portrait artist Nicholas J Smith
Ex Hire stock in condition and ready to use
Grease (The Movie) Theme Prop Package - Wiltshire
2 x 3m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canvas Grease Backdrops1 x 6m by 3m hand painted, fire retardent canas Greased Lightning Backdrop
(Ex hire stock in great condition and ready to use)
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